How do you lose weight? How do you work towards the life you want?


(and a healthy sense of humor)


Day 17 - Where did my neck go?

Today I woke up in a much better mood. I can't figure out what triggered the mood yesterday. Guess I had a "case of the Mondays." Eck. I had a pounding headache which started after I worked out, so maybe the mood was a sign of things to come...who knows.

I can still smell the stank of b*tchiness on my clothes, but I am more able to take on the rest of the week today. And boy do I have to take on the rest of the week since I didn't get as much done as I should've this weekend. I have had a few weeks off from school, theatre and volunteering - and I got a little spoiled with my weekends. I guess I will have to start scheduling my "me" time. And no, to me working out does not count as "me" time to me...yet.

Yesterday, while in my migraine stupor, I thought about some of the ways I realized I was fat. God, I hate that word. It is funny that realizing your size is a process. It happens by little bits, which you ignore and push out of your mind. Then one day it hits you, "Where the h*ll did my neck go?" I've never had a long ballerina neck, but I know I used to have a place to put a necklace. It went on like that (at least for me) for years. Making the decision to workout everyday was easy. Actually doing it took a few more months.

I can blame my weight on a lot of things, I think we all can, but when it comes  down to it: I eat too much and I don't move enough. Just looking in the mirror and willing your neck to return doesn't work.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about realizing you have no neck. I have a 100+ pounds to lose and wonder how did it get up this high.
